Athens ISD Superintendent Dr. Janie Sims (center) hosted a luncheon recently with the district's teachers of the month and employee of the month. Pictured with her are (from left) Lyndsey Robinson, Bel Air Elementary third-grade math teacher; Dacia Williams, Central Athens Elementary fifth-grade science teacher; Marissa Fitzgerald, South Athens Elementary fifth-grade math teacher; Jessica Jones, Athens Middle School eighth-grade hospitality and careers teacher; Heather Cloninger, Athens High School 9-12th grade resource math teacher; and Operations Center Employee of the month Elodia Pinedo, a custodian at Bel Air. Not pictured is Darris Turner, ninth and tenth-grade Pathways teacher at AISD’s PINNACLE Early College High School.

AISD February Superlatives
February 23, 2024