Slightly out of focus photo shows back of band students and drill team students as they march outside. Tree are in the background. Words at top of the image say: AISD Board of Trustees Calls Bond Election

The Athens ISD Board of Trustees voted unanimously on Feb. 13 during a special meeting to call a $121.5 million bond election for the May 3, 2025, ballot. No increase in the AISD tax rate will result from the passage of the bond.

If approved by voters, the bond proposal would impact every campus at each grade level, improving the learning environment for all students, from fine arts and agricultural to early college and the youngest of children.

The board’s decision was born out of a strategic plan many months in the making. As part of that effort, a facilities and safety committee — made up of a cross-section of community members, teachers and staff — identified needs, visited other districts, and developed a list of recommendations for the board to consider.

“After getting the report from the facilities committee, we spent many hours in workshop meetings discussing what we might cut from their recommendations,” said Board President Alicea Elliott. “The answer was ‘nothing’; we couldn’t in good conscious sacrifice one thing we believe our students truly need — especially when it won’t cause a single penny of increase to our tax rate.”

The proposed projects would focus on addressing aging facilities by making improvements and new additions to educational spaces. These include:

  • a new early childhood center for all preK-3, preK-4 and kindergarten students in the district, freeing up room at the three existing elementary campuses, which are nearing capacity;

  • a new wing at Athens High School to accommodate early college students, who are currently housed in a part of the high school built in 1956;

  • renovation of the library at AHS;

  • a new auditorium at AHS to replace the existing auditorium built in 1956;

  • an ag science barn to accommodate non-rural students in a rapidly growing program;

  • a new drop-off/pick-up driveway behind Athens Middle School to resolve traffic safety issues;

  • a new CTE classroom for 8th-grade construction students, a new floor in the large gym, and new bleachers in both gyms at AMS;

  • a covered activity center at AHS to provide all students who must practice outside with relief from extreme heat;

  • renovation of the cafeteria, water leak remediation, and other general renovations at South Athens Elementary;

  • renovation of the cafeteria, new windows, and other general renovations at Bel Air Elementary;

  • new windows and general renovations at Central Athens Elementary.

“Due to careful planning and a very strong financial position, we were able to pay off old debt early and save taxpayers money,” said Superintendent Dr. Janie Sims. “As a result, we’re in the position of being able to put forward a bond proposal that would not increase the school district tax rate if approved.”

An informational website and printed materials are being developed. School administrators also plan to visit community groups to explain the bond package in more detail and answer questions.

Early voting begins April 22 and ends April 29. Election Day is May 3.